Football Manager 2021Steam

Football Manager 2021

The basics of the game in Football Manager 2021 are the same as in previous editions. We choose one of the many clubs and try to lead it to victo... 더 보기
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상품 설명

The basics of the game in Football Manager 2021 are the same as in previous editions. We choose one of the many clubs and try to lead it to victory, while being responsible for every aspect of its operation. We take care of finances and relations with the media and fans, select supporting staff, buy and sell players (thanks to licenses, a huge number of real names appear in the game), set tactics and plan trainings.

The second part of the game are matches in which we supervise the actions of our players from the coaching bench - we switch tactics, decide on changes and so on.

In Football Manager 2021 we can only play alone. The core of the game is the single player mode.

Minimal requirements::

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8 GHz / AMD Athlon 64 1.8 GHz
Graphics:  GeForce 9600M GT / Radeon HD 3650
Disk space: 7 GB
